How does Boxing compare to krav maga?

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Boxing and Krav maga look like two competitive combat sports, but they are not. Today’s discussion deals with the status of Krav maga and Boxing.

Krav Maga VS Boxing:

First of all, Krav maga was never intended to be a sport. Krav maga is an extreme kind of fighting mechanism. It incorporates serious techniques from many popular martial arts such as Aikido, Judo, Karate, Wrestling, and Boxing. Krav maga is a Hebrew term. Krav means Combat and Maga means Contact. The term means “Contact Combat”. 

The invention of Krav maga was an unavoidable necessity to help Jews community from the persecution of the Nazis. So Krav maga was not recognized as a Martial Art nor a Combat Sport as well. Again, it has not been classified as a martial art to be fought between two persons in a competition like boxing

Imi Lichtenfeld developed Krav Maga in Czechoslovakia in the 1930s. He first taught his fighting technique in Bratislava to help protect the local unarmed Jews Community from the Nazi militia who attack them at home and in the street indiscriminately. Krav maga intends to exterminate the Nazis as they desire to kill the Jews people gladly.  Krav maga heavily focuses on fighting and self-defense skills for survival. It was also officially called the Israel Defence Forces (IDF). But it has no competitive matches, tournaments, or any competitive bouts that have ever been held. 

With the end of anti-Semitism tyranny, the deadliest impact of Krav maga diminished. Later Krav maga was refined. Some law enforcement agencies in some precincts and states in the USA practice Krav maga to apprehend suspects professionally. They use this training to defend against a hostile act and to control an unwanted situation. 

On the other hand, Boxing is one of the most popular sports all over the world. In prehistoric times Boxing was hand-to-hand combat. The Sumerian carvings from the 3rd and 2nd millennia BC depict the previous proof of boxing’s existence. However, boxing became an Olympic game in ancient Greece in 688 BC as a sport.

Final Words:

Boxing is a brutal martial art. But not as brutal as Krav maga was. Boxing has been refined over the years and still, the management is working on it to minimize the damage to the fighters in the ring. Compared to Krav maga, boxing is a sport fought between two people maintaining the rules of fair and foul by an inside referee and three ringside judges. In short, Boxer is an entertainer and a Krav maga practitioner was a punisher.

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