Are MMA up-kicks legal or illegal?

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As Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) incorporates all traditional popular martial arts practiced around the world, the combat sport allows strikes by hands and up-kicks simultaneously. MMA is the ultimate fight held in a menacing cage. The fighters are well-trained for such a fight and survive. Today’s topic is to justify up-kicks in MMA fighting.

Up-kicking in MMA:

The up-kick is a kick that is thrown to the opponent by the fighter who is on the ground. This up-kick is a desperate one. In most MMA rules, up-kicks are not illegal. Up-kicks have been allowed long before to make MMA fights more crucial. The up-kick method worked successfully to win many MMA fights that even resulted in knockout wins. An already grounded opponent can still be kicked to the body. But not to the head. On the other hand, the downed fighter can throw their legs up to kick the opponent who is imposing on him to thwart his attempt to submit him.

Kicks not allowed in MMA:

Some kicks are not allowed in MMA whether those are up-kicks or soccer kicks. The illegal kicks are as follows: kick to the neck, throat, spine, kidneys, vital joints, groin, or testicles. It is also illegal to kick the head of a grounded opponent. It is also forbidden to intentionally break bones and not give the opponent enough time to tap into submissions situations to stop the fight. Besides, kicks or knees cannot be thrown at the head of the grounded fighter whose single knee and arm make him grounded without having to have any other body part in touch with the fighting area floor. MMA up-kicks are dangerously effective. The grounded fighter lying with the back on the fighting floor can cause serious damage to the opponent, breaking the nose and cheekbones. Up-kicks from lying posture are more powerful than any others. The downed opponent can encounter his opponent, who is sitting on him, by throwing a powerful kick into the face that usually results in breaking the nose and bleeding all over the face. Yet, up-kicking is legal in such a condition except few mentioned above.


The UFC governing body fixes many more rules to keep MMA fighters safe and secure, but on many occasions, rules are violated. Desperate fighters desire to win the competition for name, farmland fortune. However, at the cost of their pain in the octagon, they fight like hell, creating a disturbing image for the tender mind. Otherwise, many people love watching fighting end with blood.

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