Some Prominent and Basic Karate Stances

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There are numerous and different types of martial arts in this world and karate is one of them. It is one of the most prominent martial arts. Karate has four main styles. In martial art karate, Stance is mainly concerned with the direction of the lower portion of the body. Crucial, rapidly, accurate, and smoothly executed procedures can be attained only from a vital and solid base. On this strong base, the upper body must be positively settled and also the back kept straight to the ground. We will discuss some of the basic karate stances with their details in this post.


Introduction to some basic karate stances:

During the 17th century, the martial art karate became popular in Japan. The father of karate martial arts is Gichin Funakoshi. However, Karate concentrates on mental strength, belt ranking system, coordination, and appreciation. It is more than just a sport. It provides heavily moral and mental facets to allow people to become the best versions of themselves.

Karate students are taught that their bodies are like weapons. They discover a mixture of lifts, kicks, and punches. They also learn blocks for shielding positions. Karate is a direction of life, with teachings. Students can learn the process of delivering powerful blows and block attacks. Rather than violence, these attacks are a kind of self-defense rather. 

Komatsu Dachi:

In Kokutsu Dachi, first, you have to turn your feet ninety degrees. Then bend knees-deep and step out with a front foot. You need to have about thirty on your front leg and seventy percent of your weight on your back leg. 

Remember the two things that are right back stance and left back stance. In the left-back stance, the right foot should be the forward left foot back. In the right-back stance, the left foot is ahead, the right foot is back.


In Japan, Kiba-dachi is a vital position of Karate that is used to practice basic strikes. It is also used for self-defense. This is an extremely powerful stance for protecting against side attacks. It is a posture that enhances the backs, legs, and to some breadth, the body. There are some slight differences in Kiba-dachi from Kiba-dachi and Naihanchi-dachi. In Japanese styles, Kiba-dachi tends to perform wide and low. 

On the other hand, Okinawan styles tend to have a leaner and bigger version of it. In this martial stance, feet are about two shoulder widths apart, toes are facing forward. Then downward your midst of gravity by bending your knees ahead. After the step, push your knees towards the outside and keep your back straight. In the last step, bend your pelvis upward and allocate your bodyweight equally on both legs.

Zenkutsu Dachi:

In this martial art, first, begin with your feet shoulder apart. Then smoothly bend your front knee. The next step is to push your back leg back.

For a left front position:

  •  keep your front leg bent and stationary and push your right leg back. 

For a right-front position:

  • First, Lift your left leg back. After lifting the left leg back, keep your front leg bent. Try to lean your front knee until you can not see your toes. Moreover, your back leg should be as vertical as you can get it. 


Hachioji dachi is a natural stance. It stands like the character. It is the basic ready stance in Karate and often the stance is named Soto-Hachioji-each.

Kebu Dachi:

Kebu Dachi is recognized as a horse-riding stance. It starts by standing with compassion and attention. 

The first step is with your right foot, step out to the side shoulder-width apart. Secondly, push your knees out to the sides and lean your knees. The most crucial step is to try holding this stance for up to fifteen minutes at a time.


In Japanese culture, the thing that matters most is respect and honor. There are specific things like bowing, that must be performed correctly. It is also done at the proper time to express respect toward other learners. So it is not a stance for fighting, but also a gracious position. In Japan, it is a polite and popular way of sitting on the floor. It is often used in taking lessons.

In both Karate and Japanese culture, it is a basic posture. This posture is utilized to execute the formal floor bow that is called zari. In this martial art, first, place your knees on the floor. Secondly, on the top of your feet, rest your buttock. Also, remember that your feet should be flat on the floor. keep your back and neck straight in this step. The most crucial thing is to be fully present mentally and breathe normally but calmly.


Fudo-dachi is an entrenched stance that is similar to Kiba dachi and Zenkutsu-dachi. There are some rules of fudo dachi martial arts. 

Steps of fudo dachi:

  • The first step is to put your front foot in front of you at a 45-degree angle. Therefore, lean your front knee so that it staves off you from watching your front foot. 


  • In the second step, bend your back leg, put your rear foot at a forty-five-degree angle and keep a distance of nearly two shoulder width between your feet. Just like other martial arts stances, distribute your weight evenly on both feet and keep your neck straight. The most crucial thing is not to forget to tilt your pelvis upward and tense up your lower abdomen.


Neko-Ashi-each is recognized as a cat stance. It allows counterpunch with kicks and quick sideways. This stance is suited for self-defense. This martial stance is a tremendous protective one as a maximum of the weight is on the back leg.

Steps of Neko-Ashi-each:

  • For this position, you have to bring your rear leg backward with your foot at a forty-five-degree angle.


  • Therefore, you pluck back your front leg with only the ball of your foot slightly touching the ground.


Note:  Remember your weight should be 90% on the back leg and 10% on the front foot. After that, tilt your pelvis upward and keep your back and neck straight.


There are numerous karate styles you can choose from. They are Shotokan-Ryu, Wado-Ryu, Goju-Ryu, and Shito-Ryu. There are disparities between karate styles, each one depends on moral fortitude and mental strength. The core principles of karate can be understood in lessons for each style.

People who wish to learn karate, prefer the style you like best and find a trainer. He can train you on favorable strategies. However, We tried to cover all the necessary basic karate stances. Please let us know if you want to know more about this topic.

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