What is a good boxing training routine for a beginner?

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Boxing is a sport that is very popular nowadays and people are interested in it now. That is why a lot of people are now learning boxing.

But when someone starts learning boxing as a beginner, one must have a training routine. Because the most important stage in boxing is a good training routine and it is even more important to him when he is a beginner.

A good boxing training routine for beginners


A good boxing training routine starts with some warm-up exercise.Stretching can be start able warm-up exercise and after that one can do jumping jacks, cycling, jogging etc. By doing Warm-up, the joints of the gets loosen up which is helpful for doing proper boxing training.

Do it for at least 10 minute.

Stance, Speed and Foot work as Attack technique:

After warm-up one has to get ready for practicing Stance. IN boxing Stance is the position of one’s foot. And one has to stay balanced at the time of doing Stance. There are many kinds of stance method but one should practice with that stance method which is most comfortable for him.

For your stance practice one can do squats with defense moves. Squats is kind of exercise which improve the muscles of leg and by doing this legs get strengthen. It also helps make better footwork.  After that one can bend his knees at the practicing and add his hands to his chin to doing side shuffles.

Then he has to work on his speed and foot work. For this he can do practice on Agility ladder, Box Jumps, Lateral Jump, Ladder sidestep.

This will help him to increase his speed and he will improve his footwork.

By working in this one can enhance his attack technique.

Do it for 15 minute.

Work on defense technique:

There are some moves that is used in boxing as defensive move and those are: Rolling, Bobbing and weaving. By practicing in this regularly one can easily get better in defensing. These moves are generally used for avoiding Punches on face as well as in other part of the body. Though at the time of practicing there will be no opponents but still one should practice it properly if he want be a good at boxing.

Practice it for 20 minute.

Practice with punching bag:

The main and common attack method in boxing is punching the opponent to defeat him. So, that’s why one should have to be very good at attacking on his opponents by punching. And the best way to practice punch is practicing it with a punching bag. So, by practicing with a punching bag one can get better at punching and he can also improve his attacking skills.

Practice it for 15 minute.

Get rest:

After following the training routine which is explained below, do not forget to take rest. Remember that the body muscles won’t get improve if one don’t take rest. So, it is very an important part of training.

That’s why remember to take rest for at least 15-20 minute. And after that you can repeat the training routine which is explained over. Follow it daily and you will see the results in a short time.

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