What is the difference between Combat Sambo and MMA?

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Apparently Combat Sambo and MMA have little difference in terms of incorporating other martial arts to use it own. MMA originated and developed in the USA, while Combat Sambo is also a martial art developed by the Soviet Red Army in the early 1920s to improve unarmed hand-to-hand combat abilities. Today we will discuss the difference between Combat Sambo and MMA. 

Difference between Combat Sambo and MMA:

Combat Sambo is a mixed martial arts and sport. The main difference between MMA and Combat Sambo is that the latter is derived from  Russian military used hand-to-hand fights. In ancient times, martial arts were used as weapons in the battlefield instead of weapons when it was necessary. Later it is being used broadly  in self-defence, law enforcement, physical, mental and spiritual development, preserving cultural heritage through entertainment. On the other hand, MMA, at present day martial arts, is neither used for military purposes nor used as self-defence in military or law enforcement. It is an ultimate fight in a cage as a purely  combat sport to entertain spectators around the world.

Combat Sambo vs MMA:

Combat Sambo is similar in many ways to Judo and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. It also incorporates different types of Wrestling and other self-defence disciplines. In terms of training, an MMA fighter is more powerful than a Combat Sambo.  Because MMA fighters have to learn more martial arts and many moves of wrestling.

Key difference between MMA and Combat Sambo:

  • In Combat Sambo, fighters wear gi pants, wrestling shoes,groyne cup, head protection, mouthpiece, along with gloves. While in MMA a fighter only wears a mouthpiece, the groyne cup and hand gloves. 
  • Combat Sambo fight on open mats. But MMA fighters fight inside a closed circuit octagon shaped cage.
  •  Headbutt and vicious groyne attacks are allowed in Combat Sambo. While in MMA, these attacks are absolutely forbidden.

Subtle difference between Combat Sambo and Sport Sambo:

There are actually two types of Sambo in effect. Sport Sambo and Combat Sambo. Sambo itself means “self-defence without weapons”. Due to its tournament rules, Sport Sambo resembles  Judo with its throws and shoot wrestling which originated in Japan. On the other hand, Combat Sambo is similar to Sports Sambo in terms of points system. However, there’s a major key difference between both forms of Sambo. In Combat Sambo, striking is allowed in all forms. It also allows kicking, punching, elbowing, headbutting, and even groyne strikes

International Status:

 With headquarters in Paris, the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) and the World Combat Sambo Federation host international Combat Sambo competitions.  However, Combat Sambo has been provisionally recognized by the International Olympic Committee while MMA is not yet recognized.


Both the martial arts ( Combat Sambo and MMA) are hybrid combat sports. But MMA is a more popular and fastest growing combat sport and most people watch it around the world. Both the combat sports borrow techniques from other traditional martial arts that were applied in primitive battle fields. But there is a big difference in application of the techniques in the competition in MMA fights  and Combat Sambo. 

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