What is the best training to start MMA?

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MMA is a  combat sport. The fighters use different techniques of martial arts from boxing, judo, karate, muay thai, Bjj, and wrestling. So the training of these martial arts is beyond limit. On top of everything, Mixed Martial Arts fights are extreme and ultimate. So the would-be fighters must exercise according to the proven formulae. Today we will discuss the necessities for preliminary training to become an MMA  fighter.

General Fitness in MMA Training:

Before  practicing  MMA training, the beginner must get himself physically fit. So the first step would be for him to go to a good gym. An MMA gym would be better. With regular strength and power exercise sessions his muscles would  be ready to take more stress. Also, his body will be fit for learning rigorous Mixed Martial Arts.

MMA Core Training:

Since MMA is the core and center of all popular martial arts, the best thing for the beginners would be to develop proficiency in striking art like boxing and muay thai and grappling art like wrestling and jiu jitsu. A level of overall cardio and fitness exercise will help the beginners most benefit out of MMA training.

Martial Arts first to learn:

In order to practice MMA thoroughly, Boxing and Muay Thai should be  the first to start with, experts maintain. To use   grappling technique in MMA fights, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Wrestling would be perfect to learn later. Because these two martial arts are more serious and more effective in MMA fights. MMA gyms not only offer martial art classes like BJJ, Muay Thai etc. they also provide sparring facilities. If an MMA gym is not near a beginner, he should choose a gym that can teach fundamental fighting techniques to block, kick, punch and other moves to avoid attacks.

MMA Training Suggestions:

  • Consistent Training: MMA learners must workout in the gym consistently. Sporadic practice does not benefit the practitioners. 
  • Fundamentals techniques: The beginners must master the fundamentals or base training of any discipline before jumping to the advanced level. 
  • Base fighting technique: MMA is a combination of boxing, muay thai, judo for striking and Brazilian and Wrestling for grappling purposes. The beginners should give preference to start with boxing and muay thai.
  • Takedowns:  The learner should practice to master a few takedowns techniques, despite the fact that he prefers to fight standing.
  • Watching fighting tape: Watching video tapes of fighting sharpens the IQ of the viewer who tries to understand how the winner won the match. 
  • Endurance: Most people would think that fighting is all about skills and techniques but it is not. When two equally experienced and skilled MMA fighters compete in a cage the better conditioned fighter often wins over the opponent whose endurance level is low.
  • Sparring: Sparring is an impoverished imitation of real fight. It greatly helps the beginner to practically try out techniques he has learnt from MMA classes. Sparring should be practiced often.
  • Cardiovascular fitness: Cardio is one of the most important attributes in the human body that without its sound condition,  everything is useless for an MMA fighter. So to keep it strong to fit for fights the designed physical exercise must be performed. The physical exercise of Low to High intensity which is dependent on the energy-generating process with intervals. The name of the process is Aerobic exercise.

           Balanced diet: Without nutritional food health can not work properly. While without a balanced diet one can gain weight unproportionately which is a big obstacle for a fighter. Because strength, balance, mobility and flexibility largely depends on the weight of a fighter. So a learner must be vigilant about his weight.


We know learning is a continuous process. The best training to start with to become an MMA fighter is mentioned above. But the process is long and arduous. It is great fun for the brave people who love learning and fighting for social interaction and personal reasons. Also, becoming a professional MMA fighter is a feat of learning

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