How useful is MMA in a street fight?

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MMA ( Mixed Martial Arts) is the only fighting system close to real fighting. In a street fighting scenario, one has to defend himself from the assailant using all the necessary techniques learned from mixed martial arts. Because these traditional arts were taught to use for offensive and defensive purposes on the battlefield since prehistoric times. Today we shall discuss the use and effectiveness of MMA in street fight events.

MMA fighter outlasts street fighter:

MMA is the best fighting skill because the techniques are learned from Boxing, Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Judo, Karate, Wrestling, and other disciplines. Street fighting is an unknown perdition. The victim cannot fathom how dangerous the situation is. However, an MMA fighter has the advantage to fight back against an assailant. Because MMA teaches how to fight to stand, grappling,  clinching, ground fighting and deadly choke hold well. A man with MMA training is well-conditioned to outlast an attacker who is not an MMA fighter. In MMA training, a learner regularly practices cardiovascular exercise that gives the practitioner and health conditions an intensive cardio workout is a very special kind of MMA training. A street fighter who usually appears as a mugger to rob could be easily beaten by the MMA fighter. An untrained person cannot continue fighting for long. So eventually an MMA fighter outlasts his attacker easily.

Staying composed in fighting:

In a street fight, the key strategy for an MMA fighter is to stay calm and composed to avoid overreacting. Fear is the enemy of a fighter. In fighting, it is natural that adrenaline and fear increase heart rate which hinders fighting well. But MMA trains its fighters how to control this sudden rush and make the right decision to bring the situation under control. Since MMA trains all the fighting techniques of popular martial arts, it teaches stand-up and ground fighting together. Out of this training, an MMA student learns how to box, and use BJJ submissions, and wrestling moves to takedowns for scoring. In the street fight, there is no need to continue the fight. Because street fighting is not a sport, rather it is a defense. Nor is it a civilized way to display an MMA fighter’s worth.

MMA is not useful in the following situations:

Dirty Attacks:

There are no rules or laws in the street fight. Both parties can use dirty, illegal, and inhumane techniques. Pulling hair, kicking onto the groin, biting and gouging eyes all are unexpected dirty acts by attackers that an MMA fighter is not trained against. So he can hardly avoid it. Even a skilled MMA fighter cannot overcome the crazy acts of an untrained person. An MMA fighter is not trained to gouge someone’s eyes or do any permanent damage on purpose. Because he is an artist, not an assailant.

MMA does not teach the use of weapons:

MMA does not teach to deal with deadly weapons. All the traditional combat martial arts were unarmed and still now the same. It is a hand-to-hand combat sport that doesn’t include any weapon to be a part of the enjoyment. However, a street attacker often wields some sort of weapon to attack his prey with. Disarming weapons requires a special type of military and police training. Even after the training, there is always the risk of sudden pulling the trigger of the gun and tragic death occurring. In such a situation, fleeing from the scene would be the best policy.

In case of multiple attackers:

MMA fighting is not designed to fight against multiple attackers at a time. It teaches how to fight hand-to-hand to prove a man’s ability. In a situation of attacks by many people together, an MMA fighter can hardly avoid the untoward situation. In real fights, it is a fateful event for a single man against a band of goons.  So there is no better way than running as fast as the victim can.


By law, nobody is allowed to fight on the street. It is illegal like a brawl in a bar. MMA fighters can fight on the street like any other person, though it is illegal. It is only legal to fight on the street when an MMA fighter becomes a victim of an assailant. Compared to other martial arts, MMA is the most useful in a street fight. The person who has learned almost all the techniques from MMA is an extraordinarily skilled fighter. Naturally, he has the capabilities of overpowering an attacker in street fights except for a weapon-wielding crazy assassin.

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